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Bitcoin blasts through $13,000 following PayPal's entrance into crypto.

Unsurprisingly, PayPal's big news served as dynamite for Bitcoin.

SatoshiLabs, the team behind the Trezor hardware wallet, wrote: "If millions of newcomers are onboarded to Bitcoin by PayPal, there could be a very serious information gap that jeopardizes their experience and undermines key principles of cryptocurrency."

"There goes wBTC. The majority of wrapped Bitcoin is custodied by BitGo. PayPal is not a good actor in this space. Position accordingly."

"If millions of newcomers are onboarded to Bitcoin by PayPal, there could be a very serious information gap that jeopardizes their experience and undermines key principles of cryptocurrency."

Peter Smith, CEO. "This is definitely a bullish sign for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Crypto is all about trust, and PayPal has a very high level of trust with its users [] If the UI/UX of the service is done right, we will see millions of new users join each month."

"PayPal is an important bridge between the mainland and the island of crypto. The diaspora from legacy finance is happening and this is the kind of infrastructure that will help make that happen. Soon there will b a flippening and crypto will b the mainland & fiat the island."

Regulation will keep PayPal's new crypto services from looking anything like crypto.

Cointelegraph's Kollen Post says that, for now, PayPal's crypto payments are more about satisfying regulators than providing users with crypto capabilities.

How to build a crypto mining rig in 2020 to earn Bitcoin and Ether.
