Ethereum's Reddit Moderators Resign Amid Controversy

gepubliceerd op by Coindesk | gepubliceerd op

Taylor Monahan, the CEO of crypto wallet startup MyCrypto, has been moderator for the ethereum subreddit channel since 2016.

That year, the ethereum Reddit channel was just breaking over the 10,000 subscribers mark, according to SubRedditStats.

What may have started as a relatively low-commitment and low-visibility responsibility became a flash point of controversy in the ethereum community.

The anger and the yelling Monahan refers to has been explicitly targeted at former ethereum core developer Afri Schoedon and director of the Web3Foundation Ryan Zurrer.

Most recently, Nick Johnson - developer for ethereum domain service ENS - also resigned, quoting a lack of time to "Meaningfully contribute" and "An unhealthy streak of paranoia, conspiracy mongering and insularity" on the subreddit.

The remaining ten moderators of the ethereum subreddit have voiced varying degrees of concern about their role given that their responsibilities on the social media forum are now more heavily scrutinized by the public.

"The more people are on the sub, the higher the chance is one of your actions does not resonate well and in the worst case resonates so badly that the result is a full blown shit storm," ethereum Reddit moderator "Ligi" told CoinDesk.

For the most part, this is exactly how the most recent bout of controversy over subreddit moderation in the ethereum community has been diffused.

"There's nothing wrong with anyone working on whatever they wantbut we should also realize that ethereum defectors are highly incentivised to try and divide our community."

As stated in the post, its aim is to "Provide transparency into the role of /r/ethereum moderators and define what is expected of those moderators."
