Hedera Hashgraph sacrifices decentralization for high throughput, says developer

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Hedera Hashgraph could be making fundamental tradeoffs to achieve its touted 10,000+ transactions per second.

Less than a year old, the Hedera Hashgraph network has been marketed as a game-changer for blockchain.

To achieve high throughput, Hedera Hashgraph completely removed blocks and the process of validating transactions.

Eric Wall, a crypto writer and developer, explained that the tradeoffs Hedera Hashgraph made in order to achieve the incredible 10,000 tps throughput should scare off both investors and traders.

While some argued that transactions on the hashgraph could be validated at a later stage when Hedera introduces "State proofs," Wall said that this type of validation is no guarantee that the rules and monetary policy of the network will be enacted.

To get a clear picture of the number of transactions per second the Hedera can handle, it's best to look at the decentralized applications built on the network.

It's worth noting that the sacrifices Hedera made could be acceptable to many.

Even if the tradeoffs were worth it, was there a need for a native Hedera cryptocurrency? He believes that the network could have had more success as a sidechain for a more liquid network, such as Bitcoin.

Even if you do think that the tradeoffs Hedera are doing are worth it, why does it needs its own native currency? Why don't you just set up Hedera as a sidechain to e.g. bitcoin like Liquid and gain all the monetary benefits from using the most liquid cryptocurrency out there?

They care so little about actual decentralization they'll just use a stablecoin on Hedera.
