Thanks to Better UX, This Year Dapps Will Go Mainstream

gepubliceerd op by Coindesk | gepubliceerd op

As recently as a year ago, even the most ardent blockchain proponents had to concede the user experience was too clunky for any app using cryptocurrency to make it in the mainstream.

Thankfully, 2019 will be remembered for technical innovations that enabled dapps to start to feel like apps.

2020 will be the year we begin to see mainstream adoption of crypto-powered apps.

A year ago, many projects would have run aground because crypto couldn't deliver a seamless user experience.

Onerous requirements around account recovery, transaction signing, and gas payments limited adoption to the "Crypto-native." But this year has seen technical breakthroughs that finally make crypto capable of delivering the user experience necessary to appeal to a broad audience.

Plus, the improved user experience brings crypto into line with something as mainstream as an ATM. For the first time, we can offer dapps with beautiful, blazing-fast UX.User experience is further strengthened through meta-transactions, which can be programmed to remove the need for users to pay for gas each time they move tokens.

With the crypto machinery running silently and smoothly in the background, for the first time we can offer dapps with beautiful, blazing-fast UX.Platforms such as Gnosis and Argent are now leveraging these capabilities to deliver tangible benefits to users across a range of use cases, including digital ID, finance, and custody.

Following three years of working deep in the infrastructure layer of the Ethereum stack, I've spent the past year building out Pepo, an Ethereum-based dapp that feels just like an app.

The crypto apps that launch in 2020 will show that tokens can have real utility; that there are use-cases where crypto really does offer the best possible solution; and that we can create a superb user experience that is made better, not just bearable, by blockchain technology.

That's why 2020 will be the year crypto finally breaks out.
